G.S. Precision Gives Back to Its Employees and to the Surrounding Area Communities

If we can measure it….we can make it!

Saturday, 5th June, 2021: G.S. Precision (GSP) headquartered in Brattleboro showed it’s appreciation of its employees and supporting communities over the weekend by hosting an Employee/Family Picnic at two locations, in Keene and Brattleboro on Saturday and Sunday.

The event’s food was catered by local Monadnock Vending with entertainment for kids including – bounce houses, dunking machines, and inside tours of the manufacturing plants. Within the walls of the facilities families were routed on a designated tour route explaining the company’s history, processes, machines and ample displays of parts. There even was a rebroadcast of the most recent SPACE X launch who was recently touted as a new very important customer for GSP. The video was displayed on the east facing wall of the facility.

The guided tours were certainly one of the highlights of the two day event in that many family members of employees working at GSP for many years have never seen what goes on behind the entry way doors. Kids and spouses alike were in amazement of the complexity and volume of parts their significant other have been responsible for producing all these years.

G.S. Precisions President and CEO Matt O’Connell – explains to kids of employees the importance of what GSP does

The event was quite popular an attended by an estimated 324 employees and family members out of a total 505 employees. Volunteers from the area Brattleboro High School football team assisted in cooking hot dogs, hamburgs, and chicken for the events attendees. In return, the football coach was the recipient of a $500 donation from GSP to the high school team for needed supplies and equipment.